StreamS     HLSdirect


StreamS HiFi HTML5 MSE fMP4 HLS Audio Player
2022-05 Greg Ogonowski / Nathan Niyomtham
Copyright ©2020-2022 StreamS/Modulation Index LLC
All Rights Reserved
Portions Copyright their perspective owners.

This player code is released into public domain and may be freely distributed and used for both private and commercial use provided that this copyright notice is NOT MODIFIED or REMOVED without permission.
It MUST ONLY be used with a StreamS HLSdirect™ Encoder sourced stream.
Furthermore, to use this free player code, the StreamS logo and StreamS/Modulation Index LLC Copyright MUST NOT BE REMOVED or DISABLED.
Modification to the core functionality are NOT permitted without permission.
Modification to the appearance and/or size are permitted.
This computer software code is protected by copyright law and international treaties.
Any unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or use of this computer software code, or any portion of it,
may result in severe civil and/or criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under law.
Any misuse will be cause for blacklisting and earning a special place on the StreamS/Modulation Index LLC Hall of Shame web page.

No warranties are implied.

Fee based support, custom implementations, and professional streaming audio encoders are available from StreamS/Modulation Index LLC.

Looking for the absolute best way to provide reliable high quality audio streams, this is the place.

For more information contact:

StreamS/Modulation Index LLC
Diamond Bar, CA USA
Website - Main:
Website - Player:
E-Mail: Email Us
Telephone: +1 909 860-6760

StreamS HLSdirect™ Encoder

Stream the "Write" Way.